Purtier Placenta,
is the safest and most effective stem cell therapy,
and also one of the best anti aging products and best cancer cures without the risk of side effects.
It is touted as the only stem cell treatment without operation risk!
Explore my blog for testimonials and information. You will be amazed!
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contact me at purtierclub@gmail.com
Monday, 26 January 2015
Sunday, 25 January 2015
Stem Cell Therapy in Malaysia
Stem Cell Therapy In Malaysia – Is There?
Why Purtier Placenta?
Why Buy Purtier Placenta?
Health Benefits Of Purtier Placenta
Health Benefits Of Purtier Placenta
Introducing Live Stem Cells Therapy
Introducing Live Stem Cells Therapy
Why is Cell Therapy Different from Other Treatments?
Cell Therapy is the only treatment to stimulate the body’s rejuvenation system – cell renewal.
Level 1 : Protection
- The body’s ability to protect its healthy cells from harmful agents such as free radicals.
- The better the ability to protect our healthy cells, the longer and healthier our human lives will be.
Level 2 : Repair and Healing
- The body’s ability to repair cells that have been damaged by free radicals and other harmful environmental hazards and agents.
- The stronger and better healing ability to repair the worn out cells, the lesser these cells will age or will not result in premature aging as in chronic fatigue, wrinkles, pigmentation loss, dry skin, etc.
Level 3 : Renewal / Regeneration or Rejuvenation
- The body’s ability to replace the irreparable cells or dead cells with fresh new young cells.
- The more efficient this function exists, the lesser chances the body will develop chronic degenerative diseases such as arthritis, heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease and others.
- This means that our appearance will inevitably start to look fresher and hence, younger due to lesser built up of waste materials and the body’s ability to rejuvenate itself.
- When you go to the pharmacy or clinics, you will find that products are usually offered in the level 1 and 2 categories. Hence, only cell therapy can give the much crucial level 3 renewal experience for the complete protection, repair and regeneration of cells in your body!
The Wonder Pill
The Wonder Pill
Benefits Of Purtier Placenta
Benefits of Purtier Placenta
The formula uses cell therapy that science has proved to work.
The fetal cells used multiply 100 times faster than other normal cells.
Unlike placenta injections, Purtier Placenta is not taken under medical supervision.
It does not have the complications associated with placenta injections, such as sepsis and allergic shock.
The dramatic effects last longer.
Is Purtier Placenta Safe?
Is Purtier Placenta Safe
In addition to ingredients necessary for rejuvenating worn-out cells, Purtier Placenta is rich in antioxidants that prevent the damage caused by free radicals, which lead to such serious medical conditions as cancer.
Purtier Placenta has powerful properties and is safe for human consumption.
Now, you have the chance to rejuvenate yourself. Do not miss this opportunity!
Why Deer?
Why Deer?
Some formulations are made of human placenta. However, many medical and ethical questions surround the use of human placenta. The placentas can transmit many human diseases, and where are they received from?
Apart from these concerns, deer placenta contains many small peptides that the human body absorbs to drive growth.
Purtier Placenta is made of extracts from the afterbirth, which means no deer life is sacrificed in the process.
The Live Cell Therapy
Live Cell Therapy
This is the transplantation of live animal or human cells to repair or replace damaged cells. Physicians have been using this form of therapy for many generations, and famous people were known to receive placenta injections in Switzerland. The placentas could not be kept fresh for long; hence the recipients had to visit the exclusive clinics providing the services. Although they received dramatic results, the procedure was costly, starting from $30,000.
Now Purtier Placenta gives you the same benefit at an unbelievably small fraction of the cost. Advanced manufacturing techniques allow the cells to remain live for up to four years given the right conditions.
Why Purtier Placenta?
Why Purtier Placenta?
Purtier Placenta formulation is made of live deer stem cells that help in rejuvenating the body. These cells impart their vigor to old and worn-out cells. They contain different enzymes and other factors that encourage the growth of fetuses.
Research has shown that fetal cells multiply 100 times faster than normal adult cells.
In addition, Purtier Placenta contains several bioactive nutrients that form the building blocks needed for rejuvenation and multiplication of cells, which include phospholipids and amino acids.
Purtier Placenta uses a process known as live cell therapy.
Her Highness Yang Gui Fei
The secret of placenta cell therapy goes back to Emperor Tang Xuan Zong who ruled during the Tang Dynasty. One day as the emperor led a hunting team, he discovered a doe eating her placenta just after giving birth; something that puzzled him greatly.
The imperial physician, who accompanied Emperor Tang, was inspired and decided to develop a special formula for promoting beauty and longevity. The physician conducted deep research and countless experiments before coming up with a formula that he tested on palace maids.
After some months of using the formula, the formerly poor complexions of the palace maids turned radiant and rosy. They also displayed gracefully light postures.
When her Highness Yang Gui Fei heard about the magical transformation, she told the emperor and soon the royal couple started using the special formula. The emperor was soon filled with vitality and her highness turned youthfully radiant.
Emperor Tang titled the imperial physician “The Physician of Rejuvenation” and ordered him to record the formulation to benefit future generations.
That’s the origin of Purtier Placenta.
Secret of Ancient Anti Aging Therapy
Purtier Placenta Malaysia - Why Purtier Placenta is not Sold in New Zealand, Australia?
It is made available for sale through direct marketing only.
In this way the owner is able to control the distribution process.
Currently, he only has headquarters in Malaysia, Indonesia and Taiwan.
Purtier can be ordered through us or other authorised distributors from these countries.
Many thanks for your interest in this amazing supplement.
To know more about Riway Purtier Placenta Live Stem Cell Therapy,
please contact me anytime.
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